Drew pickels likes king of the hill

Hello my name is Drew Pickles and I like to jack off to King of the Hill every night when it comes on Adult Swim, and by come I mean come inside my ass as I come all over the TV screen. Oh my god, have you ever seen the episode where Hank tries to stick his dick inside the propane tank and screams "Bwaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Bobby, I got propane in my urethra!". Bobby then starts stroking Hank's dick with the piss and shit scented lube that he bought a 24 pack of at Mega Lo Mart while Hank is holding a lighter in front of his dick, and then he squirts his propane infused jizz into the flame and all over the steaks on the grill, and then Hank and Bobby treat themselves to prime cum steak before they engage in hot gay backyard sex as Hank sticks his 6 foot dick in Bobby's ass with the head sticking out of his mouth while he jacks off Bobby with his own shit and they're like until they both cum all over the backyard, and then Kahn Soupanoosinphone comes out and sees what they're doing and makes fun of their gay redneck incest, and then Hank gets mad and gives that fucking gook the ass rape he deserves until all of his intestines fall out. Wow, that sounds sexy, I think I will watch it right now.